🔴Sponge cake🔴

🔴Sponge cake🔴

Boil together 

Half cup oil 

Half cup milk 

Half cup water

Set aside to cool off a bit

Sift together 2 cups flour and 

4 teaspoons baking powder 

Beat together 

4 eggs 

1 teaspoon vanilla 

1 cup sugar for about 5 to 6 minutes 

Now add the flour and 

Milk mixture in about 3 batches whilst folding in to incorporate the ingredients 

 Pour in greased snowball cup trays. 

Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes or till baked

Since ovens differ I'd say bake it on the temperature you always bake on. I put on 180 or 160.


 For the syrup,

Brown in a pot add 1and a half cup water. 3 tablespoons butter

2and a half cups icing sugar

3 heaped tablespoons cocoa powder

Stir everything together on medium heat till everything is is blended together and butter is melted. Take off the heat and let it cool a bit


Add 1and half cup water to pot and 3 heaped tablespoons jam

3 quarter cup icing sugar

And enough red jell food colouring

Stirr well on medium heat till it reaches boiling point. Let it boil a bit for 3 to 4 minutes. Take off and cool a bit


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