Fried Banana Bites

Fried Banana Bites 


3 Bananas

1 cup Pancake Mix

1 cup Milk

1 Egg

1/4 cup Powdered Sugar

Vegetable Oil (for frying)


Slice bananas into 1/2" slices.

Combine pancake mix, milk, and egg. Beat until blended.

Line a plate with paper towels. Set aside.

Fill a heavy-bottomed pan with high sides with oil 1/2" deep and heat to 350-375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Dip each banana slice in batter and allow excess to drip off.

Place in oil and fry for about 1-2 minutes on each side or until golden brown.

Remove to prepared plate.

Dust finished bites with powdered sugar.

Serve with caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, or ice cream.

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