✓irish potatoes (6pcs)

✓Egg (3pcs)

✓flour (2 tablespoon)

✓baking Powder (half teaspoon)

✓powder milk (2tablespoon)

✓fresh pepper (2pcs)slice into small pieces

✓onions(small size)dice

✓spring onions (3 strips) slice piece

✓salt to taste

✓groundnut oil to fry(1cup)


Step 1. Slice and peel off your Irish potatoes and boil to soft,after boiling to soft put in a bowl and mash.

Step2. Break your egg and put in a bowl,slice your fresh pepper into smaller piece,chop and dice your onions into piece and also the spring onions,pour all slice veggies into the bowl of egg and stir together,then mix the powder milk with little water and add to the bowl add the flour and baking powder and little salt to taste,stir again and lastly add your mash potatoes to the mixture and stir to combine properly,make sure not to thick 

Step3. Place your frying pan in a low heat,after heating add your Groundnut oil for frying,cut the mixture with your spoon and fry,press flat with your spoon then flip to the other side and fry again,when it turn little brown bring out and ready to eat,serve with tea as breakfast or take with chill drink.

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