
 50g flour

 20g corn starch

 300g yogurt

 2g salt

 30ml vegetable oil

 4 egg yolks

 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

 4 egg whites

 80g sugar

 1 teaspoon lemon juice


 1. In a bowl, add the egg yolks, yogurt, salt, vanilla extract, flour, and cornstarch and mix everything until well combined.

 2. In another bowl, add the egg whites, sugar, and lemon and beat with a mixer until the egg whites are firm.

 3. In a bowl with the egg yolks, add the spatulas of the egg white mixture and mix well with a spatula.

 4. Add the egg yolk mixture to the rest of the egg white mixture and combine everything well.

 5. Add the mixture into the mold and turn it in a circle with a skewer stick.  Gently tap the mold several times to remove any air bubbles.

 6. Add the mold to the baking sheet and pour hot water.  Bake at 284°F/140°C for 60-70 minutes.

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