brigadier chocolate cake


brigadier chocolate cake


  1 egg white

  460 grams of sugar

  15 grams of glucose

  4 cups of unsalted butter

  2 tablespoons of milk jam

  8 cups of icing sugar

  2 tablespoons vanilla

  2 tablespoons of milk

  200 grams of dark chocolate

  200 grams of hot cream

  1 and 1/2 cups of chocolate balls

  1/2 cup chocolate straws

  3 tablespoons of chocolate cream

  Chocolate cake

  big wooden stick

  cardboard base for cake

  Plastic bag

  preparation mode

  For the filling, in a saucepan we put the egg whites and sugar.  Stir until the mixture reaches 72°C and remove from heat.

  Add the glucose and, with the help of a mixer, beat and slowly add the mixture to the 2 cups of unsalted butter, beating for one minute for each addition.  Then put the dulce de leche.

  In another bowl, cream together 2 cups of the unsalted butter, confectioners' sugar, vanilla, and milk.  Take the chocolate cake, cut it into 3 levels, and then fill it with 2 layers of cream.

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