
 3 potatoes

 1 red bell pepper


 150g of cheese

 1 egg

 Salt and pepper

 4 tablespoons common wheat flour

 Breadcrumbs - 4 tablespoons

 Sunflower oil for frying


 1. To begin with, you should boil the potatoes with a little salt and enough water to cover them.  Once they have boiled, they should be allowed to cool.

 2. Meanwhile, you can chop the red pepper, the parsley and grate the cheese.

 3. Once the potatoes are cool, you need to transfer them to a larger bowl and mash them.  Then, add an egg, the previously chopped vegetables, season with salt and pepper and mix everything well.  Next, you must add the flour and mix again to incorporate everything.

 4. It is important that you wet your hands with water so that the potatoes do not stick to your hands.

 5. Next, shape the potatoes by putting a little cheese in the center of each one, cover them with breadcrumbs and brown them in a large pan with sunflower oil.

 6. Once the potatoes are golden brown and crisp, remove them from the pan and let them rest for a few minutes before serving.

Credit to the owner

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